Saturday, September 4, 2010

gold bangles types

Let's shift this to your marketing efforts and the services you offer. Are you creating services that are sustainable? Services can create raving fans just as much as products do. When you create your services and then market them, keep the long-term in mind. Think of how those services could be like classic cars - how could they create loyal fans that care enough to use them for the long haul and then continue spreading the message around long after they are introduced. It's a great time to be thinking about this especially with all of the amazing community-based social networking tools at our disposal. We have abilities that the classic car makers never had - which is to spread the word around the world faster and cheaper. But rather than just spreading the word, make sure that the product or service behind the message can become a classic.

1 comment:

  1. Gold bangles in India has a lot of meaning in it ,it is the sign of tradition in our society, Gold Bangles or bangles gold are used in almost every festivals, ceremonies among every class of people it has no religious rest ruction among any community.
